
Litter bug (warning slight rant ahead)

I was watching a documentary last night on the degeneration of coral reefs in the world due to global warming (very interesting).   During the program the guy picked up rubbish out of the pristine sea and with a sad face plonked it in the boat.   It reminded me of being in Fiji.   What a beautiful Island that is, my husband was born there and on our visit we saw all sides of that wonderful country.   The most disturbing part of our trip was the resorts.   It saddened me that all these tourists who were sucking up what Fiji had to offer cared so little for the place that they just let their rubbish float out into the sea.    We used to enjoy Kayaking in this little bay at our resort.   Everyday when I took the kids out, there was always rubbish floating on the waters edge.   It was a different Fiji than I had expected to see.   Other visitors would just zoom on past all this rubbish, Kayaking out to the lovely reefs... I ...

Recycling Day Disaster

It was a calm and misty afternoon when I made the decision to put the recycling out a day early, a decision that I would regret that very next morning.   After a night of extreme wind, this morning I got “the call” that made my heart sink.   My husband informed me that my extremely full to bursting recycling bin had indeed tipped over and that our recycling was now spread over the entire neighbourhood, decorating our street with milk bottles, tins and cereal boxes.   Spread so far in fact, that he suggested walking to pick it up may not be a smart idea, he said that I should probably drive and just stop and pick up the rubbish along the way.   Now, I know how much recycling I stuffed into that bin.   In fact there was over six weeks of recycling in there the potential for disaster was enormous.   In my mind I saw two tons of rubbish littered over the entire street.   Let me give you a background, we live in a lifestyle rural area which is p...

Future implications of Social Media

We should prepare our children for the future ramifications of their online and social network behaviour!   As every action as an equal and opposite reaction.   As technology and analysis techniques get more and more advanced, so do the chances that your online comments or posts will get analysed and affect your future. You can already get fired for something you say or do online.   Imagine what the future may hold. Visualise in a few years; there will be an analytic application that will process every comment or post ever written by you online or your mouse clicking behaviour and the output will be your personality profile.     This may warn an employer not to go near you because of bulling behaviour, or tell a university you shouldn’t be in their top pick for Vet School because your pet bunny died of unusual causes when you were 7.   Or it might send a potential boyfriend running for the hills because of your internet stalking behaviour.   ...

I'm back!

Wow it’s only been about seven years, but I'm back.  To be honest it’s been so long I had trouble finding this blog thingy.   Although it’s been seven years, not much has changed.  I still have many random thoughts; probably more than any normal person should have to be honest.  Apparently I have also passed that trait onto my son.  PAY BACK! I now have to listen to his many, many, many random questions and thoughts.  Some days it’s a continuous barrage of questions.   Isn’t it funny how when you have children you usually have to deal with any annoying or crazy things you did when you were younger.   May I suggest if you were a real little sh#@, probably best not to reproduce.

Here's a Hint

Recently my auntie who was moving gave me, among other things an old book called "Here's a Hint" it was printed in the year I was born (1977 shhhh).  Its a book of hints for all parts of the house, easy way to do things, different homemade chemicals to use and ways to reuse things and save money. Yet again it reminded me of what a throwaway society we live in.  People buy disposable wipes, disposable nappies, disposable cleaning cloths, disposable containers for the kitchen, disposable wraps. Basically everything comes in a disposable version.  But do you know what....... we don't have to follow the norm and all the advertisements selling us another throwaway product.  Because although they may say they are disposable they are only disposable to us, not to the environment, hell half these throwaway products will still be hanging around the dump in 30 years time.  So not only do these products cost us more to buy but they are going to c...

Starting a Diary

I decided that I would start a diary, sorry to disappoint but it wont be on here.  I don't think you actually need to know how many loads of washing I did and if the kids took a poop or not.  I randomly decided to write a diary yesterday after I found an old book that I used to write poetry in.  Suffice to say there is plenty of room as I only used two pages with my creative writing. Where did this idea come from?  Sorry it wasn't in a bid to record my oh so exciting, jet setting lifestyle.  No, while I was at my parents place my mum pulled out and old diary she had written when I was young.  It wasn't feelings and grumps and fluffy dreams, it was what had happened in that day, what the weather was like, what us kids were doing, what happened on the farm, meetings etc.  I realised that it was actually quite useful, not only was it an interesting read 20 years later (yes I am that old and I was no baby when she wrote the diary either) it was...

The bread making continues.....

Who would have thought that after a few months I would still be making bread on a 2 day basis.  NOT ME.  Granted we have had a bit of brought bread (still haven't used a whole loaf of brought bread since starting the challenge, it sits in the freezer for emergencies). I went away with the kids for a week and hubby was disturbed to find there was no homemade bread left for him, so he had a piece of brought bread only to find the taste so horrific that he called me to find out how to make bread himself.  I hate to say it but he did a dam good job, so good it made me try harder.  We now have two lovely puffy loafs of bread made every second day.  Just to give you a giggle each bread tray has two little balls of dough in them so when the bread rises it looks like someones bottom bursting out from under the teatowel.  If nothing else it makes me smile. Today after trying to find snacks for the kids in a house with not to much food left in it (grocery da...