
Minestrone soup Recipe

I just made the yummiest soup using veggies from the garden and whatever was in the fridge. Minestrone is the perfect soup to keep people healthy and warm in these cold days of winter. Now I am not normally a fan of Minestrone soup but after watching food TV and looking at the good old Edmonds recipe book I attempted to make one. This is what I did and yummo, it was exactly what my sick body felt like.

Some oil to fry onions etc in
1 large onion
2 cloves garlic
1 leek
3 small funny looking carrots (ok so my carrots have not grown very big in the garden this year)
2 large potatoes
Half a cup cabbage cut thinly
4 leaves of Silverbeet
1 tin of beans, any but just not baked beans (well you could try but not sure how that one would work)
1 tin of tomatoes
Chicken stock ( or if you are like me and don't have any, a couple of packets of maggi onion soup etc)

What to do:
Chop up all of the vegetables.
Fry the onion and garlic, in oil or butter if you are feeling naughty.
Throw in the vegetables (remember just use whatever you have on hand)
Add water or stock depending on what you have available (I like to add twice as much liquid as vegies in this soup). I added a packet of onion soup and a packet of chicken noodle soup as I am quiet random and never seem to have stock on hand.
Throw in the beans and tomatoes from a tin, stir up and cover.
Leave to cook for a few hours.
Add salt to taste.
Please note if you choose to add pasta and are making more than one helping of soup, just add pasta to the soup you are going to use. Otherwise the it gets all gluggy and yucky the next time you want to heat up the soup.

Sponge - gateau

Yes I actually made this, for people that know me they would be amazed.  Granted it doesn't look super pretty but dam it tasted good.  If only I had coffee essence as the coffee version tastes even better.  I thought I had better share this recipe as if I can make it then pretty much anyone could make it.

 I can't take credit for this recipe, the lovely golfers at Pahiatua golf club are and in particular Nola Fergus in particular.  The Golf club publishes a recipe book every year, including their favourite recipes and dam they are brilliant, these ladies are geniuses.

Beat 4 large eggs, add 1 cup sugar and 2 Tbsp. Hot water, beat until thick.
Fold in 1 cup self raising flour.
Bake in 2x9inch (23cm) tins.
20 minutes at 198.C

Chocolate:-Use above mixture, using only 3/4 cup of flour and 1/2 cup of cocoa powder.
Add extra 2Tbsp. Water.
Ice with chocolate icing.
Coffee:- Same mixture add 1 Tbsp. Coffee essence.
Ice with coffee icing.

Filling:- 4 oz (125gm) butter, 4 Tbsp. Boiling water, 4 oz (125gm) sugar, vanilla essence.
Beat until thick.
For chocolate cake add 1 tsp. Cocoa to filling ingredients.
For coffee cake add 1-2 tsp. Coffee essence.

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