The Green Nappy
When I say my green nappy, I don't mean my little man had kiwifruit yesterday and I am paying for it today. What I am talking about are keeping it green with environmental re-useable nappies. I am so old school in the fact that I LOVE my re-useable nappies. Or am I super modern? As these things are coming back into fashion. Either way I love using them, I love the feeling I get when I pass by the nappies in the supermarket and don't have to buy any. I love seeing those colourful little nappies all lined up on the line. I love that my rubbish bin is empty of disposable nappies. I love seeing that puffy little bum that reusable's create. Although I love using reusable's I realise that it is not everyone's thing, and I really don't judge or care if others don't use them. Whatever works for you I say. What brought this on? Well my little boy is no longer little and has outgrown his Nappy Days Bamboo nappies (small size). Yes I now realise I should have brough...