The Green Nappy

When I say my green nappy, I don't mean my little man had kiwifruit yesterday and I am paying for it today. What I am talking about are keeping it green with environmental re-useable nappies. I am so old school in the fact that I LOVE my re-useable nappies. Or am I super modern? As these things are coming back into fashion. Either way I love using them, I love the feeling I get when I pass by the nappies in the supermarket and don't have to buy any. I love seeing those colourful little nappies all lined up on the line. I love that my rubbish bin is empty of disposable nappies. I love seeing that puffy little bum that reusable's create. Although I love using reusable's I realise that it is not everyone's thing, and I really don't judge or care if others don't use them. Whatever works for you I say.

What brought this on? Well my little boy is no longer little and has outgrown his Nappy Days Bamboo nappies (small size). Yes I now realise I should have brought the nappies that fit from birth to potty. Anyway he has outgrown them and it is time to sell them. I shouldn't be sad, but I love them, they have been so brilliant. They never leaked, when I had trouble with disposable nappies at the beginning my lovely little reusable's kept it all in. I even loved them when I went out. I just wished I had had them for my daughter as well. They are all pretty colours, I did wonder why when, the colourful part is on the inside, but I think it is for the mum. When I put those nappies on the line, oh it makes me happy to see those pretty colours all lined up.

So my little man is in some giant nappies now, bland old white ones, but they are still very good. A mixture of bamboo ones and flexitots again from Nappy days. I also have a pocket nappy. The covers I use are actually ecobots system and are really good as double gusseted. I seem to have an obsession with reusable nappies and want to keep on buying them. But I really don't need anymore so must control my urges. It is going to be really hard, I might have to start a 12 step program.

Another thing I use are cloth wipes. They are soooooo easy, you can sew them yourself if you want and they get poop off so much quicker than disposable wipes. They are so easy to wash and bubba really couldn't care less what I use on his bum. I also found these cool waterproof bags on trade me that have funky patterns on the outside. These can be used to put clean wet material clothes in it for the car etc. Also for dirty nappies, dirty cloths. Personally I want lots of those bags, but due to being on a budget I will just stick with the one.

I came across this site that has lots of information about reusable's
There are so many good options out there. What I love even more is that a lot of sites have information on how to make your own nappies and that is super super cool (pity I don't own those skills).

Anyway I will leave you with these thoughts and may I also say I LOVE TO REUSE! Yeah to going old-school.


  1. I love using cloth naps. Can't wait to use them on DD #2 when she arrives.
    PS: I’ve nominated you for an award-stop by and pick it up :)


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