Packing for 2 kids
We are going for a short visit to my mums house this weekend. I was just getting used to travelling with my two year old daughter. She is potty trained now so her bag is substantially smaller than it used to be. I just pack her clothes as I would pack my own, maybe with a few extra pairs of underwear and pants. Since her clothes are soooooo much smaller than mine it means she only needs a little bag.
Why two Nelly's you ask? Well after my daughter got so attached to the first Nelly, I decided if I wanted to wash the doll I was going to have to get a second one to add to the rotation. This worked well for a few months, I would sneakily switch the Nelly's to wash one and give her a nice clean one to cuddle. That is until she discovered the second Nelly in the washing basket. Well she came into the lounge with the BIGGEST smile on her face declaring "Two Nelly's". Alas we haven't been able to separate the two Nelly's since. On the bright side, I'm just pleased we didn't get four Nelly's like some people do, otherwise we would now be lugging around all four Nelly's at once.
Nappies are another thing I hate packing. Now I am a reusable Nappy girl, Tots Bots reusable nappies are my nappy of choice, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE them. I usually lug around my bucket with clean fluffy nappies in it, my nappy covers and material wipes. But I am afraid to say that I have had a sick little girl all week and have had to wash multiple sets of sheets, bedding, clothes, carpet, towels plus the normal washing. After this mamoth washing week I am kind of over washing. The fact is that I have just cleared the back log of dirty washing that was sitting in the garage, or should I say consuming the garage. Now I have one large double bedroom dedicated to clothes racks and drying washing with one poor little dehumidifier.
So I made the executive decision, I am having two days off from reusable nappies. Sorry earth but I am tired and need a break. Oh I know you don't get a break from being polluted but sometimes a mumma needs a rest. Talking about taking a break, I just remembered that my little man is now on solids so I have to pack all of those goodies as well (sigh). Again I usually make my own food for him, but I think I will just pop to the supermarket and take the easy way out this time. Thank you modern society you really do make things easy for us when we really need it.
Oh well I should probably stop writing about it and actually get started packing.
Now I have to pack for a 5 month old as well, oh man. It seems silly that when you go and visit someone for two days that you take 50 bags and just about need a roof rack to hold everything. Ok it isn't hat bad, at least there is a cot, blankets and thousands of toys at mum and dads. Otherwise that car would really be packed to the rafters, with porta cot, blankets, teddy's for baby, nappies, clothes and toys for my daughter etc etc etc. Not to mention the two Nelly's (my daughters little soft toy doll she sleeps with).

Nappies are another thing I hate packing. Now I am a reusable Nappy girl, Tots Bots reusable nappies are my nappy of choice, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE them. I usually lug around my bucket with clean fluffy nappies in it, my nappy covers and material wipes. But I am afraid to say that I have had a sick little girl all week and have had to wash multiple sets of sheets, bedding, clothes, carpet, towels plus the normal washing. After this mamoth washing week I am kind of over washing. The fact is that I have just cleared the back log of dirty washing that was sitting in the garage, or should I say consuming the garage. Now I have one large double bedroom dedicated to clothes racks and drying washing with one poor little dehumidifier.
So I made the executive decision, I am having two days off from reusable nappies. Sorry earth but I am tired and need a break. Oh I know you don't get a break from being polluted but sometimes a mumma needs a rest. Talking about taking a break, I just remembered that my little man is now on solids so I have to pack all of those goodies as well (sigh). Again I usually make my own food for him, but I think I will just pop to the supermarket and take the easy way out this time. Thank you modern society you really do make things easy for us when we really need it.
Oh well I should probably stop writing about it and actually get started packing.
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