My Bread Making Mission 3 weeks and counting

Three weeks have passed and still we have not touched the cheap back up bread located in my freezer.  Mew ha ha ha ha (insert evil laugh here).  I feel like some sort of superhuman hero.  I know, I know, its only bread but I think deep down inside my hunter gatherer needs are satisfied by being able to supply my family with something so basic all by myself (insert goofy smiley face here).  If you ever see me in the supermarket  you might think I am a little crazy.  Not only do I talk constantly to my kids, but whenever I go past the bread isle I have a crazy satisfied little smile on my face.  When I go past the nappy isle and don't have to buy any (due to using reusable apart from night time) it is just about too much for me to take lol.

So I am on track to make my four weekly target.  It may be a little extra work, but seeing my kids munching down on fresh bread and totally loving it is enough to make it worth it.  Not to mention that this mornings toast was THE BEST mmmmmmmmm fresh bread.


  1. Well done you!! I have been making my bread this year too but I haven't attempted anything flash like the sour dough. I've been keeping it basic but handmade. I must agree it feels so good to see your family eating handmade bread and not having to buy any at the supermarket. It means I have made good friends with bin inn though!

  2. You are such a domestic goddess Trace!


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