Sour Dough Day 3 and 4 - Houston we have a problem

Well it seems Sour Dough Bread is not fool proof, aka me proof.  I let it rise for 24 hours, ever the hopeful am I.  Yet my Sour Dough is just a hefty solid block of dough. 

So hefty I wondered how to dispose of it...................... Didn't want to look all dodgy carrying a big black bag to the car and dumping it in a bin somewhere in an isolated park.

I thought of the waste disposer, mmmmm nope it isn't that tough.   One blob of the Sour Dough brick and that disposer would be jammed up big time.

"Compost heap", I said to myself, mmm maybe not, it is a growing thing that would mould up and be all smelly and gross.  Plus if some poor bird got hold of that it would loose its ability to fly instantly held back by the Sour Dough weighing down its little intestines.

The only other option I had was the rubbish bin.  This worries me, as our bin is black heat seeking oven like contraption, that only gets picked up once every two weeks.  I am worried that my dough will join up with the kitty litter poop, expand and grow into a 'Sour Kitty Poop Dough Monster' and will come alive and try to take over the world.  Mmmmm think I should stop watching so many kids cartoons.  I did put it in the bin and am hoping for more rain and dull cloudy weather, I have to say the sunshine today is worrying me.

Am I giving up.... NO WAY I shall try again to make my Sour Dough Starter and try again to make my bread again (after I build up the courage).

I am still all go on my Bread making challenge, even with the Sour Dough Bread failure, I had back up loafs that I had made (kinda expecting this outcome).  Even though last night I was about to give up and let us run out of my beautiful bread, I didn't.  Personally the thought of eating our cheap brought bread from the freezer grossed me out.  So I pulled up my sleeves and kneaded that dough baby, at this very moment I have two fresh loafs cooking in the oven.

Sour Dough you may freak me out with your hideous smell and your blob brick like appearance but I will not be defeated.  I will conquer you dam it!


  1. Oh no!! Although I did lol at your disposing of it ;) Hope the weather turns nasty so that your sour dough monster doesn't turns nastier.

    I'm slowly getting motivated back into bread-making by reading your keep them up and maybe in the next week or two I'll get back into it!

  2. Sour Kitty Poop Dough Monster! Funniest thing I have read in a long time.


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