Introducing my friend Baking Soda

Ever since I got into this environmental kick I have been looking for alternatives to cleaning and beauty products available today. Ok I am no environmentalist by any means. I like to think of myself as a suburban environmentalist, I mean I care, but not enough to pull a muscle over it or anything.

When I first started getting all environmental, I tried all of the new "Green" products in the supermarket and health stores, trying to do my bit. Yes they were good but also very expensive, often more so than the normal products available . At that same time I was listening to a talk back radio show with Shannon Lush a cleaning guru. She was my hero, she could get stains out of anything and mostly using trusty Baking Soda and Vinegar. This started off my "what can I do with Baking Soda" kick. I tried using Baking Soda a lot of different ways and eliminated the ones that just didn't work for me. Three years later I am still using my favourites to clean, shine and deodorise my house. So here are my favourites:

• Soap scum cleaner: This gets rid of bath grim in a single wipe, so much better than those toxic smelling cleaners on the market at the moment. Mix Baking Soda and dishwashing detergent (for example Sunlight etc) to make a paste. Use this to clean your bath and shower , I also use it to clean my stainless steal kitchen sink as it makes it shine again. Great for any tough grime.

• Shoe deodoriser : If you have smelly shoes just sprinkle some Baking Soda in the shoes and remove it before you wear them.

• Fridge deodoriser: You can also put a bowl of baking soda in the fridge to absorb smells.

• Damp rid: Place a bowl of Baking Soda with a drop of your favourite essential oil in a damp area of the house. This will absorb smells and moisture, just remember to stir it up now and then.

• Sprinkle and Vac: Instead of buying expensive carpet deodorises just sprinkle Baking Soda over the carpet, leave over night if possible and then vacuum up.

• Brighten up your washing: You can add Baking Soda to you normal wash cycle to brighten up your washing, make a paste with water and rub into a stain. But be ware, it is said that Baking Soda and washing powders containing Baking Soda can damage your re-useable nappies (especially bamboo material) so be selective.

• Drain cleaner: put lots of Baking Soda and either boiling water or vinegar down the drain, this cleans it out nicely.

I like to buy a big bag of Baking Soda from Moore Wilsons etc, that way it is more economical than buying thousands of little packets from the supermarket. Enjoy your day and may the Baking Soda be with you.

A great site to reference other Baking Soda and green tips is:  Green Living tips


  1. I find adding a handful of salt to the shower while you're cleaning helps out a bit (but I still use Jif occasionally!). It's nice to know that we can clean our houses with stuff from the pantry ;)

  2. Great ideas! I'll definitely be trying them out.

  3. Baking soda and vinegar both are magical things! I've often called upon their powers for cleaning - especially for the carpet and fridge, but haven't tried in the bath/shower - thanks for the reminder of the power that lies in my pantry!


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