Sick Child Etiquette

How do you feel when you see a child that is all snoty with a cold at kindy, music or other activities? Do you take your children out when they are sick?

In the past I have always hermitised my daughter and I when either of us is sick. As I don't like going out and getting other people sick. Especially because my daughter is super cuddly and kissy with other kids and I would hate to have her smear her snot all over another child's face.

I on the other hand don't really mind if other children are slightly sick at kids activities etc but do mind when they are fully, green snot hanging out of their nose, sick.

With my second child having arrive in January I am now in somewhat of a conundrum . I now realise that with two children there is a huge likely hood that at least one of us will have a snotty nose at any given time during the winter.

So the question is; to go out or not to go out?

Having been in solitary confinement (ok trio confinement) for the past 2 weeks with my children, all of us having snotty noses, and coughs and feeling utterly miserable. I was at the point that I MUST see other humans or I would go mad. So this morning I ventured out to Kindy Music class. I was the only family member that was coughing by this point so I didn't feel to bad. In my defence after every cold I get a terrible asthmatic cough for a few weeks.

Another thing to note is that I was sanitising my daughters hands and making sure she wasn't coughing or snotty to prevent spreading what ever the evil bug was that we had.

Am I the only paranoid one out there or do I just need to chill out. I think I am slowly chilling as with two children now it is either chill or hibernate for the winter.


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