Starting out

Today I decided to do something with my life. Not that I haven't done something with my life already. As I have two wonderful kids and a lovely husband, a great house and basically everything I need. But now that the kids are giving me time to think, breath or whatever..... I think I should do more than be a business analyst. I mean what the hell is a business analyst anyway its just a name given to any job that doesn't actually have an exciting job title, like astronaut, biochemical engineer, exotic dancer you know the ones. So I decided that I need to find a new niche. Something that I am good at, something that is my special talent.

Now usually with a special talent you don't have to go looking for it, its just there. Like a friend of mine is a great sewer and has created her own business sewing groovy little kids clothes. Another friend creates websites and does a dam good job of it. A lot of other friends are teachers which I consider the ultimate calling. I tried that once and really didn't work for me. Ahhhh it drove me nuts, it is such hard work and the kids, don't even mention the kids.

So, my special calling, I thought about being an artist but it seems I am not that brilliant at that, doing paintings for my own house and presents seems as far as that one will go. I thought about sewing like my friend, but to be honest I can't even figure out how to get the sewing machine working let alone following a pattern. Then there is cooking but ask my husband, I don't think a business will be built out of that. What else is there left, I mean I can play the piano reasonably well, and basically do everything else, reasonably well. So it seems I don't have a calling or special talent that makes me, me. What makes me, me is that I am normal. So I thought I would start a diary and get writing and maybe I will find my special talent. Time to get my average thoughts down on paper, actually we are in the new millennium I am writing it on the computer.

So the the blog begins.......


  1. Welcome to the blogging world and to Kiwi Mummy Blogs! I know exactly how you feel regarding talents etc. I think we each touch the world for the better in different ways...some people might have talents that are noticible like the ones you mentioned...other's have a talent for making others smile, or a good listening ear. From what you have written so far, it seems you have a talent for writing! Keep it up, and going to enjoy reading your blog ;)


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