Cat pee Christmas tree, the saga continues

Well the cat pee Christmas tree saga continues. After days of sitting next to the said Christmas tree and thinking "I am sure I can smell a whoof of cat pee, stupid freakin Christmas tree (add more expletives here)". I decided I had to do something about it or I was going to throw the tree in the rubbish bin, which in itself would be difficult considering the size of the tree vs the size of our rubbish bin.

So on a beautiful sunny Monday afternoon my daughter and I got a giant bin of soapy, disinfected, lavender smelling hot water and started to submerge the separate chunks of Christmas tree in it. Shaking it around trying to rid that evil tree of its stinky odour. Now this took approximately an hour to do, due to the tree being made up of approximately 50 branches. I then laid the branches out on the concrete patio to dry.

Later submerging the Christmas decorations, I know what you are thinking, "really could those pretty glittery decorations sourced directly from the posh Wharehouse chain of stores, survive a dunking in soapy water." Well to put your mind at ease, apparently they can survive two dunking's a bit of a swirl and even being blown across the patio numerous times before being captured and placed in a metal bowl.

So after 2 hours of drying time, I ventured outside and smelt a few branches to be satisfied the stench had gone. I brought a whole bunch back inside and started to assemble the "pain in the butt Christmas tree of the year." After two rows had been put together I noticed a familiar stench entering my delicate nostrils, it was CAT PEE!!!! Seems the first wash had worked on some branches but not all. GRRRRrrr (actual noise uttered).

Out went all the branches (some thrown, some hiffed against the concrete patio), by this time it was getting late and I should have been cooking dinner. But I thought if I didn't try washing it again now then the tree was a gonner. So I started the process all over again, finishing in 30mins due to having quite a skill set in washing Christmas trees by this point.

Only this time I seemed to have an audience of builders, that were working in the section above us (so they had the perfect view). I am pretty sure they thought I had lost my marbles and would have gone home to their partners/wives and said "Oh my god do you know what we saw today...." I really wanted to yell up to them, "THE CAT PEED ON MY TREE" but was worried that it would just make me sound even crazier, so I kept my thoughts to myself and laughed on the inside (again laughing out loud probably wouldn't have given the best impression either).

The result of my crazy Christmas tree washing seems to be a success, it hardly smells now and I think what I am smelling now is a touch of paranoia. I have also moved the Christmas tree to the other side of the room, so that I am no longer sitting two inches away from the tree. So now my little 10month old is having a blast pulling off a decoration having an intense look at it then tasting it and leaving it on the ground to go after the next decoration. Quite the contrast to my destructor daughter at the same age. She didn't bother looking at the Christmas decorations, she just yanked off as many decorations as she could reach in as shortest time as possible, trying if possible to pull the tree over while she was doing it.

So in conclusion, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a cat pee free Christmas tree.


  1. Just found you by Googling "cat peed on Christmas ornaments", Lol! She also peed on our stockings-- basically we (stupidly) left a box containing the ornaments and stockings out in the open, way too close to the litter boxes. Our tree, which was also precariously placed, seems to be pee-free. I doubt I can save the stockings, since the soaking they definitely need will probably finish them off. Thankfully they're newer ones so if we have to let them go, I think we'll be okay. But the ornaments.... well bless you, for giving me hope that they can be saved. And if I discover that the tree has in fact been desecrated, I now know what to do. Thanks ever so much! Wishing you a Very Merry (pee free) Christmas from Kentucky..... ~S

  2. Nice to know someone else has suffered the same fate, not nice for you but funny all the same. Good luck. I am going to organise a hook on the wall of the garage so the Christmas tree bag has a safe place to go, I have washed enough Christmas trees for a lifetime.

  3. white spruce trees - they smell like cat pee, seriously.


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