Tis the season to smell cat pee

I would like to formally thank the neighbours cats for giving me another smell to associate with Christmas. I can now add the lovely aroma of cat pee to the smell of pine, candles, roast turkey and copious amounts of chocolate.

We had an issue a while ago where the neighbours giant fat tom cat was getting into our garage and peeing on EVERYTHING. Now we keep the cat door locked and our only remaining cat left stays inside, so the cat pee has stopped. Alas I pulled out the Christmas tree this morning (I know I am a month early but bribing my daughter to forget a present I brought in her company yesterday) anyway the Christmas tree and decorations STINK. Nothing like a cat pee Christmas tree, tis the season after all.

I have sprayed it with Oust, sprinkled it in Baking Soda (quite clever as it looks like snow) and now have it sitting outside in the wind trying to rid id of that horrible smell. In desperation and after googling it I then sprayed the entire tree with vinegar and water, as you can imagine there was a bit of fizzing with the baking soda but its all good. I now have an overwhelming smell of vinegar, but that is actually preferable to cat pee.

I have a spot all picked out for the Christmas Tree, on top of the big thick coffee table, out of reach of my little man. Problem is that is right next to Hubby's and my chair mmmmm not sure I am looking forward to a month of cat pee smell while watching TV. I hope the smell disappears.

My daughter has been decorating the tree for the last 30mins, so now it is really well decorated. The decorations are thick and fast in a 30cm band around the middle of the Christmas tree, nothing above and nothing below. Now I just have to decide if I leave this new fandangle styled tree like it is or fix up the decorations once she goes to bed. I tend to be a bit of a decoration freak and have to make sure everything is balanced and equal space apart. Maybe now is my chance to get over this............ahhhhh no me thinks I will just sit there every night for the next month or so clenching my fists thinking ahhhhh need to move decorations need to move decorations.

Good news is that the smell seems to have gone a bit, either that or I have gotten used to it. The true test is when we have visitors if they look like little bunny rabbits sniffing away then I have not got rid of the smell.


  1. Oh dear. That's a shocker.
    I laughed all the way through your post. Sorry.
    It's kind of like Funniest Home Videos - you know you shouldn't laugh at other's misfortune, but you do anyway.

    If the baking soda, vinegar, windblowing don't do the trick, you could always look for "fake-pine-in-a-can" and spray it with that when visitors come over.
    Not sure that would be an improvement though.

  2. I think it is actually getting better now, I think......... I actually washed the tinsle and had it outside drying. I forgot to bring it in overnight and it strangled my little Zuchinni plant in the wind. Might have been easier to buy a new tree and decorations lol

  3. hello!! Very interesting discussion glad that I came across such informative post. Keep up the good work friend. Glad to be part of your net community. Check out : How To Stop Cats From Peeing


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