What is in a personality

I am fascinated to see my children grow and develop. To see their personalities being expressed through everyday activities. When they were born, it was fascinating to see what they would look like, and where they got their looks from. Now I am more fascinated with who my children are becoming and what their little personalities are going to be like.

Well it seems my older daughter is a little nutter. Hard not to be when you have two nutters as parents, that trait cannot be blamed on just me. She amazes me on a daily basis and is constantly making me laugh. She is a little performer, always signing and dancing for us, with the big finish and everything. Demanding that we clap at the end of her performance.

She is stubborn, hands and the hips stubborn, but again that is a trait shared by both her parents. The attention span I have to say she got from her mother. She has the attention span of a fish, approximately 7 seconds and you have lost her. I am hoping it is because she is two. Or if she does have my attention span then maybe she can learn from her dad. He seems to have an eternal attention span, he will stick to an activity until he has finished, no matter how long it takes (hours, days). Personally it irks me that he can stick to something for quite so long, when I gave up 4 hours ago and have done 15 things since.

The thing that has surprised me about my daughter is her love of being around other kids. I always knew that she liked other little kids but until taking her to activities on a regular basis I had no idea how much. When you are around your child all the time you forget that there are other little personalities out there that are so different from your own child's. Whenever she is at kindy gym or music class she will seek out another little girl (sorry boys but you will have to wait for her attention) and tries to sing and dance with them. Only on more than one occasion the other kids are freaked out by her hugging and kissing.

Alas we went to playcentre today for the first time. It was wonderful to see another little girl there just like my daughter. Friendly, kind, caring and pretty outgoing. They hit it off to start with and by the end of class they both running around in their fairy costumes holding hands and playing hide and seek with the boys.

My daughter has surprised me with how loving and caring she is with her brother. I was never really worried about her being mean or anything but she is just wonderful. No matter how much of a paddy she is packing, if her brother cries she will stop and go up to him and say "you OK baby, its alright I'm here". She always wants "baby hugs" and tells him how much she loves him. If she hurts herself or is upset she cries "I want baby hugs". I can't wait till he is big enough to play with her more as she will just love it.

My little man is still quite young, at 6 months, but already he has shown himself to be a laid back happy little man. He laughs at his sister dancing for him and is constantly trying to steal the remote. I can see him being a cheeky monkey like his dad. I guess as time goes by more will be revealed.

Each day is an awesome day around my children. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.


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