
Showing posts from July, 2010

Pay it forward in kindness

There are either those who give, and expect nothing in return or those who just take. I try and surround myself with those who give, and not because I want things, but because I don't like to feel like I am being taken advantage of. I know some amazing people, who would do anything for you. To me those people stand out from the crowd, its like they glow. They are always the first to offer help, no matter what is happening in their own lives. They care how you are and how you are dealing with things, even if they hardly know you. Yet these people don't expect anything in return and they never ask you for anything. Its sad that there are people out there that are happy to take other peoples time and energy but are very reluctant to give anything back or to help those in need. These people are few and far between, well in my life they are anyway, as I make it a point not to include them in my life as they tend to suck you dry and make you feel worthless. When I give or do so...

What is in a personality

I am fascinated to see my children grow and develop. To see their personalities being expressed through everyday activities. When they were born, it was fascinating to see what they would look like, and where they got their looks from. Now I am more fascinated with who my children are becoming and what their little personalities are going to be like. Well it seems my older daughter is a little nutter. Hard not to be when you have two nutters as parents, that trait cannot be blamed on just me. She amazes me on a daily basis and is constantly making me laugh. She is a little performer, always signing and dancing for us, with the big finish and everything. Demanding that we clap at the end of her performance. She is stubborn, hands and the hips stubborn, but again that is a trait shared by both her parents. The attention span I have to say she got from her mother. She has the attention span of a fish, approximately 7 seconds and you have lost her. I am hoping it is because she is two....

Saturday night is alright for.....

I got all excited on Saturday when I heard that the rugby was on. No I am not a rugby fan nor was I going to watch it. I was excited as it meant that Hubby was watching the rugby with friends and I could sit in the bedroom and watch whatever I wanted to on my TV. Antisocial much - mmmmmm I should probably work on that. You see when we lived in our small little house I often watched TV upstairs in the bedroom while hubby watched it downstairs. But it didn't seem too antisocial as we still talked to each other as the house was small and the walls were like paper. But when we moved to our new house, Hubby started getting extremely lonely sitting in the lounge. Two closed doors and a long passageway between us. You see although I have direct line of site, window to window, its pretty much soundproof. So we made a rule, that unless I was coming to bed to sleep, we would sit in the lounge together. Which often means that we both compromise on what we watch and that I never get to wat...

Random thought of the day

I have many random thoughts throughout the day that puzzle me and I often never know or find out the answers. So I thought for your amusement as to the weird and wonderful way my mind works I would include them below: Can animals be Homosexual? I always used to wonder this, as I sat up on the top of the hill at smoko time, during docking season. I asked my father once but he just looked at me with a sideways glance and eyes rolling into the back of his head, in a oh my gosh not again look. I mean people pay huge money for stud animals, I was thinking Bulls and Rams in particular. After all that money is forked over what happens if that Bull or Ram simply doesn't swing that way.......... After all, Bulls and Rams pretty much only have one purpose. It would be a tiresome life if that was your job and you just weren't that into it. Do modern Cold and Flu medicines simply enable us to better spread our germs making more people sick? In the old days if you were knocked out wi...


Who knew that my computer was the one sucking the life blood from me. OK I don't need to be that dramatic, really it's only stifling my creativity, draining my motivation and making me totally uninspired. Don't get me wrong, I love my computer and think I would find it hard to live without it and wireless. Yet when I am sitting at the computer all day, I seem to get writers block, artist block and cleaning block (OK that last one is just my laziness kicking in). Its amazing how you can wile away the hours sitting at the computer doing relatively nothing. As soon as I physically separate myself from my computer, my mind starts working again. The cogs start turning, smoke starts coming out my ears and my brain kicks into gear. Even the simplest task of having a shower got me thinking about pictures to paint. You see, inspiration has always been the sticking point for me. I have the motivation to paint if I have an idea for a composition. I have the motivation to write if...

Dear Garden, please forgive me

I thought I would write you this letter to apologise for everything I have done to you. I have neglected you, I have cheated on you, I have put everyone else's needs before your own. I have even let your greatest enemies invade your own house. To my garden, I am sorry, please forgive me. I can't excuse my terrible behaviour, my reasons are weak. You stay out in the cold all of the time, yet I can't find the courage to venture out for a few minutes in order to take care of you. Beetroots and Carrots I'm sorry, I have let you live in an overcrowded situation. I neglected to weed out the weaklings and let the strong thrive. Alas I have fixed that situation now and I hope you find your housing situation adequate . Onions where the hell have you come from, I didn't invite you. Yes you were staying with us last year but I sent you packing and DID NOT INVITE YOU BACK. I think it is inappropriate for you to leave your children with us without asking for them to stay...