Pay it forward in kindness
There are either those who give, and expect nothing in return or those who just take. I try and surround myself with those who give, and not because I want things, but because I don't like to feel like I am being taken advantage of. I know some amazing people, who would do anything for you. To me those people stand out from the crowd, its like they glow. They are always the first to offer help, no matter what is happening in their own lives. They care how you are and how you are dealing with things, even if they hardly know you. Yet these people don't expect anything in return and they never ask you for anything. Its sad that there are people out there that are happy to take other peoples time and energy but are very reluctant to give anything back or to help those in need. These people are few and far between, well in my life they are anyway, as I make it a point not to include them in my life as they tend to suck you dry and make you feel worthless. When I give or do so...