Saturday night is alright for.....

I got all excited on Saturday when I heard that the rugby was on. No I am not a rugby fan nor was I going to watch it. I was excited as it meant that Hubby was watching the rugby with friends and I could sit in the bedroom and watch whatever I wanted to on my TV. Antisocial much - mmmmmm I should probably work on that.

You see when we lived in our small little house I often watched TV upstairs in the bedroom while hubby watched it downstairs. But it didn't seem too antisocial as we still talked to each other as the house was small and the walls were like paper. But when we moved to our new house, Hubby started getting extremely lonely sitting in the lounge. Two closed doors and a long passageway between us. You see although I have direct line of site, window to window, its pretty much soundproof. So we made a rule, that unless I was coming to bed to sleep, we would sit in the lounge together. Which often means that we both compromise on what we watch and that I never get to watch dorky girly programs like, Top model or Glee. He is pretty good at compromising but even he has his limits.

So this Saturday I took my chocolate cake to my bedroom and set up camp for the evening. We are highly technical in the bedroom entertainment area. We have these advanced top of the line, crappy bunny ears. So my choices were pretty restricted. I have a fuzzy channel 1, the reception on channel 2 and 3 are actually OK. Prime is watchable if is raining and I cross my eyes slightly. Surprisingly I do get the Maori channel but only alternate days. Oh and I get Trackside which really isn't good for much as I am not a gambling girl. Although sad to say I have been known to watch those dogs go round and round and round and round the track, even if only for a few minutes.

So in the end I ended up settled for watching The Incredibles and typing away on my computer. I then turned the TV off at the end of the "kids" movie and went to sleep early. Oh the bliss of being a dork on Saturday night. Could life get much better. Yeah I know, I should probably get out more, but the fact is I really enjoy spending time by myself. Is that, so weird?


  1. Alone time is the best!! Now I'm used to being a single parent I love the times that DH goes away...those peaceful evenings on my own are fabulous :)

  2. Phew so I am not the only one, I thought I was as everyone around here likes company.

  3. Gosh no, I love those times!! It's not weird at all!!


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