
Who knew that my computer was the one sucking the life blood from me. OK I don't need to be that dramatic, really it's only stifling my creativity, draining my motivation and making me totally uninspired. Don't get me wrong, I love my computer and think I would find it hard to live without it and wireless. Yet when I am sitting at the computer all day, I seem to get writers block, artist block and cleaning block (OK that last one is just my laziness kicking in). Its amazing how you can wile away the hours sitting at the computer doing relatively nothing.

As soon as I physically separate myself from my computer, my mind starts working again. The cogs start turning, smoke starts coming out my ears and my brain kicks into gear. Even the simplest task of having a shower got me thinking about pictures to paint.

You see, inspiration has always been the sticking point for me. I have the motivation to paint if I have an idea for a composition. I have the motivation to write if I have an idea what to write about. But quite often I am stuck in front of my computer, eyeballs wandering from side to side, brain completely blank wondering what the hell to do next.

So I had a light blub moment: In order to write my blog or paint a picture, I need to step away from the computer. Basically I need "Computer Time Out".

So in the next few weeks one of two things may happen. I may not blog at all, or I will write totally inspired reads and post lots of pictures of my new paintings. Only time will tell.


  1. Ohhhh....its like you read my mind. I find the exact same thing.

  2. Oh my... I get this too. I need a computer timeout! Especially when you're a blogger - it can get really out of control. Thanks for the inspiration - I'm going to take a break today and get my mind working again :)


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