Chocolate Gateau - Easy Recipe

Yes I actually made this, for people that know me they would be amazed.  Granted it doesn't look super pretty but dam it tasted good.  If only I had coffee essence as the coffee version tastes even better.  I thought I had better share this recipe as if I can make it then pretty much anyone can make it.

I can't take credit for this recipe, the lovely golfers at Pahiatua golf club are and in particular Nola Fergus is responsible.  The Golf club publishes a recipe book every year, including their favourite recipes and dam they are brilliant, these ladies are geniuses.

Sponge - gateau
Beat 4 large eggs, add 1 cup sugar and 2 Tbsp. Hot water, beat until thick.
Fold in 1 cup self raising flour.
Bake in 2x9inch (23cm) tins.
20 minutes at 198.C

Chocolate:-Use above mixture, using only 3/4 cup of flour and 1/2 cup of cocoa powder.
Add extra 2 Tbsp. Water.
Ice with chocolate icing.

Coffee:- Same mixture add 1 Tbsp. Coffee essence.
Ice with coffee icing.
Filling:- 4 oz (125gm) butter, 4 Tbsp. Boiling water, 4 oz (125gm) sugar, vanilla essence.
Beat until thick.
For chocolate cake add 1 tsp. Cocoa to filling ingredients.
For coffee cake add 1-2 tsp. Coffee essence.


  1. That looks so good - definitely going to give that one a try! I'm always looking for new dessert recipes as I find myself always being asked to bring dessert when "ladies a plate" is called for :)


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