A little ray of sunshine on a cloudy day

I was sitting down finally having a rest after putting both kids to bed.  Tired after a night of taking care of a little girl with a tummy bug, changing sheets after sheets.  Washing clothes, clothes and more clothes after she was sick on us all.  When the door bell rang, I got a little ray of sunshine.  Clare from goshorty was stopping by to drop off the dribble bibs and beanie that I had ordered for my little man.  Wow they are cool, not sure what it is about baby gear but it is so dam exciting.  I wish I could sew but alas I can't and even if I could I doubt my creations would be anywhere as brilliant as these goshorty ones.

Check out her website, facebook page and blog
Webiste: http://www.goshorty.co.nz/
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/goshorty.nz
Blog: http://www.shortbutnot.blogspot.com/


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