Lego my hero

I visited my parents this weekend and when I left they sent me packing with my old Lego from when I was a child. I have to admit I was DAM excited about getting home and having the chance to play with it. Although I didn't know if it would be the same without the other half of it. My brothers half that is. I always had the houses, post offices and a few cars and trucks. My brother had the roads, space ships and other vehicles. Basically between the two of us we had a little Lego empire. Cue evil laugh (Mew ha ha ha ha ha).

Anyway after getting the Lego home, my daughter and I spent 2 hours sorting it out and putting it into its little slidy trays. That was a great job for a 2 year old as she LOVES sorting colours. To be honest it was a life saver and a great way to waste away the hours. Especially when a certain mumma forgot that there was a 4 hour power cut. So there we were sitting in the lounge in our PJ's playing with Lego until 2pm.

Had I realised there was going to be a power cut I would have had us all showered and dressed by the cut off. Alas I was fighting a bug and relaxing watching TV when KA-BANG everything turned off. Well the look on my daughters face was priceless, wide eyes and hands in the air she said "What did you do, Mumma?". Even after the explanation she still wasn't very happy. But I now think she understands as yesterday the TV flicked off (due to some sky TV problem) and she turned to me and said "Ah its the power, aye mum". You have to love 2 year olds and their ability to pick up new words in a flash.

After power had been re-connected and all was right in the world again, I had a chance to play with my Lego. Yes I said my Lego and I will play with it as much as I want, I may be in my thirties but Lego is a toy for everyone. I made my daughter little houses that she could pull apart, open doors and windows and put mail in the little mail boxes. I always thought my daughter had a short attention span, something I am guessing her mother gave to her. Well when she is playing with Lego the short attention span just disappears. She played with the houses I built her for over an hour and keeps on coming back to them.

Although she is to small to make anything fun with the Lego boy can she have fun playing with it and putting the Lego flowers and trees inside the Post Office. Anyway I have to go and make more fun things with my Lego.


  1. Our childhood Lego is long gone :( but I've have a fairly decent supply for Elijah. He spends hours some days making Sky Towers, cars, trucks, elaborate houses - it really is great for the imagination!

  2. My boys loved their lego, I still have a box full in my shed, my oldest is 30 now, I will keep it for my grandchildren. cheers Marie

  3. You would be the favorite grandma then LEGO is awesome, sorry getting a bit carried away but just built my daughter a gaint house last night and she is playing with it now.

  4. hahaha awesome! I wish we still had our childhood lego!!!!


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