Proud Mumma moment

It was Friday evening and Hubby called up from work saying should we go out for dinner tonight. Since it had been over 6 months since we had been out to dinner with the kids I said "Why not". So he booked in very early to avoid the crowds that are inevitable at Monteiths on a Friday.

So we turned up at about 5:15pm and I could see the people around us doing that 'oh no they have kids' look, although I think the two high chairs should have clued them on to that one slightly earlier. We secured both kids in their highchairs, and only put the 2 year old in there so that she couldn't escape. It was great, lovely food and a good atmosphere. Luckily it was slightly loud in there so when my daughter decided to use her outside voice we didn't get any stares. It was great, as she is old enough now to understand manners and listens when we explain why she should or shouldn't do something. Whether she actually does it is another thing.

For once I was fully prepared, I am notorious for forgetting important things. I even remembered to bring my daughters travel colouring set that I put together for her. I made that out of an old zip up diary and she loves.

Whilst sitting there I did comment to my husband that we had a cone of silence around us. Where there was at least one table free right the way around us. I giggled to myself as I always used to be one of those people that say "oh no not sprogletts (children)". Now I am one of the people with the dreaded sprogletts.

When we had been there an hour and were just about to leave, a lady came up to us and said "I just want to let you know that you have beautiful kids and they are so well behaved and quiet". Ahhhhhh at that moment I felt like the best mum in the world.


  1. doesn't it just make your day when someone else comments on your well behaved children?
    We don't tend to go out for dinner just because Elijah would be past it by that time but we try to go out for lunch every Sunday but it's usually something like Denny's - not very exciting for adults but Elijah loves it.

  2. I have to admit, my daughter was getting louder and louder because she was getting tired. lucky it was a loud place. I think she thought the orange juice was the most exciting thing as it had 2 straws. she doen't take much to keep happy lol.


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