The little things

Some people get their thrills out of going to concerts, going on overseas trips or buying new fast cars. Myself I get excited about the small things in life. I always have and hopefully always will. Don't get me wrong I love new cars etc, but I probably get more excited by the number of drink holders than the actual car (sorry car enthusiasts).

Its the small things that make me happy. A caramel cappuccino, poached eggs on toast oh and I hate to say it but a McDonalds breakfast. Sunshine on your face after days of rain. The smell of nice clean washing coming in from the line. Gentle raindrops on the roof when you are about to go to sleep. The smell of freshly cut grass. It has always been the small things that put a smile on my face and make me truly happy.

Since having children I feel like those happy moments have been multiplied. It seems every time I turn around my daughter is doing something that makes me smile and laugh. Like when I ask her if she can do something for me and she says "oh no I can't, I too busy", don't worry she still has to do what I ask but I get a good laugh as well. Then when my son smiles and giggles at me, I wonder if anything could be as special as that.

I am lucky that I get such happiness out of the small things as life is short and unpredictable at the best of times. So I think we need to enjoy every moment especially when it comes to spending time with your family and friends.

Live life and love every moment.


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