Man flu has arrived

OK man flu has officially hit our house. Lucky for me, the rest of us have already had it, so I only have the one grown man to take care off. OK apart from the fact that we have a sick wee girl that must have a tummy bug today.

I can't blame hubby for feeling so sick though , I had this flu about three weeks ago and it was hideous, in fact at one stage I remember saying "Oh my gosh I think I have the man flu" it was that bad. In saying that, I was at my sickest during the week so I was looking after both kids at the same time as feeling like a bus had run me over. Sure I wasn't paying them my fullest attention, after all I did have trouble keeping my eyes open. But baby had clean nappies on and they were both being fed. Unlike hubby I found it very difficult to get any sleep during the day time and I fully blame the Wiggles for this. Every time I closed my eyes my daughter would race up to me and yell "WAKE UP MUMMA, WAKE UP".

Bonus is that I am now feeling pretty dam spiffing and I am all ready to be nurse to hubby (get your mind out of the gutter please). For the first time in ages I also have full sympathy for how his is feeling. Normally I am the fit and healthy one who never gets sick and although I try to take good care of him I really don't feel very sorry for him (I will admit to that). Now having crawled my way through the flu with only Pandol (thanks breast feeding), I am being the best nurse ever. I am anticipating his every need, making sure he is fully hydrated and fed. Gosh I am feeling all saint Teresa-ish here. Lets hope this flu doesn't last too long, I am not sure I can do this sainthood thing for any extended period of time.


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